1. Educate the public on Nigerian 419 AFF scams.
2. Centralize and simplify Nigerian 419 AFF reporting by nation.
We've been making these recommendations since 1993.
Below find some additional recommendations we have made from time to time over the years:
1. Routinely indict in absentia all Scammers by the names they are using. ( To Justice and others early 1993 ).
2. Set up a Joint Task Force composed of representatives from State, Justice, and Commerce to receive all data on the Scam, to coordinate US Government efforts against it, and to make recommend- ations on controlling the Scam. ( To Justice and every Agency imaginable, early 1993. ). DONE.
3. To hold Congressional Hearings on the Scam and US Gov't efforts in controlling it. ( To Justice and every Agency imaginable, early 1993 ). DONE - MORE NEEDED.
4. Justice to declare Immunity and Confidentiality for all US victims of the Scam in return for coming forward with data, particularly money trail data. ( To Justice and every Agency imaginable, early 1993 ).
5. Justice to declare that US Courts are the proper venue for civil suits brought against the Nigerian Government by victims of the Scam. ( To Justice and others, late 1995 ).
6. Embargo Telecommunications with Nigeria and re-use it as necessary ( To State, Senate, and Justice, late 1995 ).
7. Track trail and freeze accounts worldwide of any account to which a Scam money trail leads, and arrest the accountholders. ( To Justice and every Agency imaginable, early 1993 ).
8. Nigerian Government to declare immunity for all Scam victims in return for coming forward with information. ( To Nigerian Embassy, early 1993 ).
9. Nigerian Government to put in place an extradition treaty with the United States - there isn't one. ( To State etc., mid 1995 ).
10. Stop all Aid to Nigeria - civilian, military, and economic. ( To State and others, early 1993 ). PARTIALLY DONE - MORE NEEDED.
11. Publicize the Scam by all means possible. ( To Justice and every Agency imaginable, early 1993 ). PARTIALLY DONE - MORE NEEDED.
12. Destabilize the existing Nigerian Regime. ( To CIA, NSA and others, mid 1993 ). WHO KNOWS?
13. Fleet exercises in Gulf of Benin. ( To State, CIA, NSA and others, mid 1993 ). PARTIALLY DONE - MORE NEEDED.
14. Diplomatic note to Nigeria stating stop the Scam or relations will be severed - and then severing relations when the Scam doesn't stop. ( To State and others, mid 1993 ). RELATIONS SEVERED BY CANADA MARCH 97. SOME ACTIONS BY US - MORE NEEDED.
15. Government of Nigeria to sequester the domestic and foreign assets of Scammers upon indictment/arrest. ( Net, mid 1996 ).
16. Shut down "Bank Corresponding Accounts" for any Nigerian Bank which cannot or will not trace/track Scam fund transfer-ins to the recipient of the funds, including such accounts for the Central Bank of Nigeria. ( to Task Force, mid-1996 ).