The 419 Coalition is an electronically linked group of associates who fight the Nigerian Scam (419 Advance Fee Fraud). Our associates consist approximately of 1/3 victims of the Scam, 1/3 of targets of the Scam, and 1/3 interested in this matter for their own personal or professional reasons. There are about 10 active associates at any given time, though Many others drift in and out as we address their needs.
Back in the day, several of our Associates were fighting the Scam as individuals (and some continue to do so). However, there was much duplication of effort and a lack of coordination under that scenario, so it was decided to set up a central clearinghouse for information and strategy accessible to all so that everyone would be brought up to speed as soon as possible and avoid pointless duplication of effort. And thus The 419 Coalition came to be.
For a restatement of the Nigerian Scam Defined, the 419 Coalition Mission Statement, and other details concerning our organization, Click Here.
And that is The 419 Coalition. If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask the Coordinator via email.